Saturday, June 2, 2012

What is Diamond operator in java 7 , and what is the use of this , explanation with the simple example

Every good programmer likes to write a concise but effective and optimized code. Type Inference is a way introduced in JDK 7 which will surely give you benefits of less typing. Its been a long time that you have using the java code in following manner.

But have you ever thought of code duplication while initializing the specific implementation of Collections? Why there is a need to write the parameters two times during an intialization?

1List<string> names = new ArrayList<string>();
2Map<string, Object> objectMap = new HashMap<string, Object>(); 
Now most of you would be thinking of initializing as a raw types as you had been doing in previous JDK version.
Something like this. 
1List<string> names = new ArrayList();
2Map<string, object=""> objectMap = new HashMap();

So whats new in JDK 7? What benefits you will have from the new feature? 
So first we need to understand the difference between raw type and generic type intialization. 

A statements like this ensures that the implementation will contain the same parameter as specified during initialization. 
1List<string> names = new ArrayList<string>();

In the following example, the compiler generates an unchecked conversion warning because the HashMap() constructor refers to the HashMap raw type, not the Map<String, List<String>> type: 
1Map<String, List<String>> myMap = new HashMap(); // unchecked conversion warning

Diamond Operator
Okay Now I will introduce the new feature of JDK 7. 
So we have something called Diamond operator in JDK 7 which reduces your extra typing while initialization. 

1List<string> names = new ArrayList<>();

So it not only reduces your code but also ensures the type checking. 
Here is a more clear example explaining the benefits of type inference. 

Advanced Example: 
01class Demo {
02void printStudentNames(List<string> names) {
03for(String name:names) {
04System.out.println("String name:"+name);
08public static void main(String[] args) {
09Demo demo = new Demo();
10demo.printStudentNames(new ArrayList<>());   // It saved typing here in a method call too.
11List<string> names = new ArrayList<>();
13List<string> copyOfNames = new ArrayList<>(names);  // It saved typing here in a copy contructor invocation too.

Now what are its limitations? 
It won't work in the case you use wildcards. 

Something like this 
1Class Tree<t> {
3public void demoFunction(List<t> objList) {
4List<t> copyOfNames = new ArrayList<t>(objList);   //This is not gonna work.

In the above case the arguments passed in the copy constructor should be Collection<? extends T> 
So it wont accept the above inference type.